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Vice President for Research

Consent Process

Do you need help determining the process you will need to use to obtain consent?

These sample documents contain helpful information on the required content of a consent form.


Form Templates


What is informed consent?

Informed consent is the voluntary choice of an individual to participate in research based on an accurate understanding of its purposes; the procedures (or methodology); any risks or benefits; and any other factors specific to the research that may affect a person's decisions to participate. It is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that the subject is fully informed prior to engaging in research with the subject. 


What should be included in a consent document?

The links below are provided to help you understand what information is required to be included in a consent document and to address unique situations that may be faced by the researcher:


All consent and assent documents must bear an OSU IRB approval stamp. An officially approved and stamped copy of these documents will be available to the PI(s) with the approval letter in the attachments related to the approved application in the IRBManager system. These are the only versions of these documents that should be distributed or otherwise used to gain consent from potential subjects.