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Vice President for Research

Institutional Review Board



The IRB Office serves the OSU Main and Branch Campus student, staff, and faculty researchers.

The OSU Center for Health Sciences (CHS) has a separate IRB which serves students, staff, and faculty researchers affiliated with CHS. If you are affiliated with OSU-CHS, please click here.


The OSU IRB Office is guided by ethical principles pertaining to research involving human participants and bound by federal regulations. This office has an ethical obligation to safeguard the rights and welfare of people who volunteer to participate in research conducted under the auspices of the University. The IRB Office provides initial review and continuing oversight to ensure research compliance is maintained.


Consequently, OSU assures its compliance with the pertinent Federal regulations Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 46 (45 CFR 46 "Basic HHS Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects”) as implemented by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


To this end, OSU requires that, prior to initiation of any human participants research related activities (i.e., prior to recruitment of participants and data collection), all research involving human beings as participants of research, including research with human material obtained from living individuals, be reviewed and approved by the IRB Office.


We look forward to working with each of you. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 405-744-3377 or come by 219 Scott Hall.




Useful Information

IRB registration number: IRB00001305

Federal-wide Assurance Number: FWA00000493

Schedule an appointment with the IRB

Research Design Guidance

Meeting Dates and Submission Deadlines

Helpful Links


OneAegis for IRB | Support 



OneAegis for IRB


Forms and Documents


Training and Education


Application and Review Process


Consent Procedures


Post Approval Monitoring